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Posted almost 15 years ago

Private Investor

OK so here I am brand new to investing and I've decided to quit my job and dive head first into fulltime investing. Well needless to say I worried about money. But I also knew that staying at my current job I was going nowhere, making someone else wealthy and losing deals every minute i wasn't able to call and network. So I decided to make the plunge.

I ordered business cards and bandit signs and the whole nine yards to get started while i still had income coming in and started telling everyone at work that I was going into business for myself. Now normally I would have kept this to myself or told a very few people, but when I read Nick Johnson's new book and he said to tell everyone including the dog that you were in real estate and that you never know where your next deal was going to come from I started telling everyone. Sometimes even if they didn't want to listen! I passed out business cards and everything it was totally out of my comfort zone but i knew that to be successful this is what I needed to do. Not to mention that I getting out of my comfort zone I was not only gaining experience but I was growing as a person. WHICH IS PRETTY DARN COOL! Cause everytime I talked to another person I started to become more and more comfortable with it.

Anyways.... back to the point, I am telling people and one of my coworkers comes up to me and says I want to invest in your business. Now, this blew me away! There are a couple reasons why I was so shocked. First, because he actually had money to invest, which is an asenine thing to think, but second because he was serious and he is an investor of all types of different stuff. But now I have a private investor, and he's dirt cheap too!!! He offered me a 5% flat rate fee. Which since I had no prior experience I thought was awesome. Even if i do 4 deals and end up paying him 20% total I don't really care at this point because I now have a resource that I didn't know existed to me.

I'm so excited because my investing options have now just opened up even further. I am very excited! Did I mention I am very excited!!!! 

I will keep everyone up to date with  how this relationship goes and when I have my first deal secured!

Comments (8)

  1. by all means I certainly don't condone just up and quitting your job BUT if you are able to financially able to live from other sources of income like a supportive spouses income(even still super risky) and 'take action' instead of sitting on the couch waiting for the phone to ring then I can't personally fault you for burning your bridges and leaving yourself with no way out but success. It's still scary and super risky though.

  2. Justin, can't wait to hear about your success, sounds like you will do great! Peter... it is obvious you know THE SECRET. And Nick... people are quitting their jobs over this book! Maybe I should quit when i'm done reading it also LOL!

  3. So far it's pretty exciting. I have pretty much "burned" all my bridges so that I have no choice but to succeed. I'll keep everyone posted on what's happening.

  4. The courage to take action and perseveare will take you a long way. Way to get out of the gate!

  5. Justin, CONGRATULATIONS.... I admire your courage, passion and committment... and I quite my job "cold turkey" also. You are in for an exhilarating ride. As the risk of sounding a bit corny... what Nick suggested in his book... by the way I had the opportunity over the weekend to read most of it... Great job Nick... when you tell the universe what your intentions are it listens and places the right people in your path to assist you in your endeavors. Best of Luck... and how may I help?

  6. u guys are gonna make me blush......NOT LOL!!!

  7. Thanks Alex! He really has been an enormous help.

  8. Good stuff Justing! Nick is a great guy; I've found he really and truly has a passion for helping out others. You should take what he says to heart. Good job again and good luck with your investing career. Keep us updated on your progress.