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Posted about 15 years ago

For Newbie's Minds

Do you have your mind right?

The strangest things have happened to me since I started transforming my mind. Where to begin I really don't know but I will try to convey some of the things that are happening.

Have you ever wondered why some people just look, act and feel happier than you?

Have you ever wondered why some people can take the leap of faith that others cannot and succeed! It's because they have their mind right! 

A wiseman once told me that "you are where you are in your life because you chose it".

Now I don't know about you, but when I was told that, my life was NOT where I wanted it to be.  Why was it not where I wanted it to be, because my mind wasn't right. My mind was in exactly where I was, depressed, unmotivated, pessimistic to everything and heading even farther down that dark road. Fortunately I had a couple good people in my "circle". They recommended a couple different books to me, "Maximum Achievement" by Brian Tracy and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. These two books have helped tremendously with how I now allow myself to think in my mind! That's right I saidALLOW myself. You and only you can control your mind. You are the one that CHOOSES to think those thoughts. You are the one that allows those thoughts into your head. You have the choice as to whether or not you are going to let them invade your mind or whether or not you are going to say, "nope sorry your not allowed here". 

Ok I want to tell you what is happening.

Here is a tip for all you Newbie investors out there! (I am one too) Don't ever let anything get you down and keep you down. If a deal falls through understand that what you have done is not failed, but rather you have found a way that does not work and you must now try another way until you find what does. Do not focus on the negatives for when you focus your mind on the negative things that is what you will produce, negatives. Only allow yourself to focus on the positives! The two things that I always say to myself outloud are these, "I think positively!" and "I like myself". First I think positively tells your mind that you are a positive thinker and not only reminds yourself of that fact but reinforces it. Second, I like myself is awesome I don't care who you are or where your from there are times when you look at yourself and say that I don't like what I see or I don't like the way that I acted, when you are feeling down about yourself the best way to pick yourself back up is to look into a mirror and say to yourself "I like myself!"Don't laugh it really works, you must say it with FEELING though. Don't believe me? Give it a try for a week and see if your attitude not only about yourself but your attitude towards others doesn't improve.

You want to know what my neighbor's wife and daughter said about me to my wife a week after I had started doing this? "Your husband is looks different lately" My wife asked them why that was and they replied, "He has a twinkle in his eye". OMG!!! When my wife told me this I was blown away at the fact that it showed through that much!

The other piece of advice that I want to leave with you is this... DON'T FOCUS ON THE MONEY!!!!!!! That's what I did for the first 2 weeks and guess where that got me... exactly, no where.  You know why? Because PEOPLE CAN TELL!!!! As soon as I stopped focusing on me and started focusing on what I could do for others this amazing thing started to happen. A door here, and then a door there, started OPENING. All I have done is taken my mind off of the money and focused on people because this business is about PEOPLE. So do what you say your going to do-even if your not bound by a contract-and your net worth and more importantly your network will grow faster than you could have ever imagined.


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Comments (2)

  1. I have a feeling he's got some experience behind him to help him a long the way :)

  2. I can tell that you're going to bring not only the inspiration, but also the practical knowledge to help make others successful, Justin! That said, inspiration alone won't do it. As you well know, all those newbies out there need to get educated and map their way to success. We're here to help make that happen. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got to share here on the blog as time goes on!