Becoming A Modern Savvy Real Estate Agent
Things are changing. It's quite obvious when you look around. Change is always happening, but with technology it occurs at an exponential rate. The days of old school methods are going to the wayside and the new ones are coming in swarms.
How do you know what methods to use? Let's cover some of the more popular ways of getting your name out there.
- Mailers
This method is old, but still very useful. Does that mean you should go about it in the old ways... No! Over the years the amount of spam snail mail that gets sent out has gone up. As time continues people are becoming more "green" conscious and adding to the pile of things they throw in the recycling bin doesn't help you. Yes, you do need to get your name/brand recognizable in the area, but think more modern. Neighborhoods are at an odd stage now. People are more secluded due to overloads of accessibility to entertainment, but also massively more connected as well because of social media. Lots of communities are connecting on sites like Facebook and you should use that to your advantage. Don't spam the hell out of the pages, but be present and helpful while making sure people know what you do.
- Garage Sales
Again this is an older method that can be useful, but you need to execute it well. In my neighborhood there is an agent who does it. I only remember his name because it reminds me of a famous baseball player. Other than that I have no recollection of who he is. Neighborhoods love to do community garage sales. The agent who runs mine apparently didn't communicate with the HOA which caused there to be 2 different dates for the community garage sale. It could have been 1 great one, but instead it was 2 mediocre ones. This is less of a new age tip, but communication is easier than ever so take advantage of it. Make sure you're not conflicting with something else.
- Handing out business cards
This one is going to just be straight opinions of mine, but something I feel should be stated. Business cards aren't candy. Everyone wants candy, but most people don't give a crap about your card. Handing out your business cards like candy just means you'll end up with more in the trash. Cards should be reserved for certain times.
1. When someone asks you for one (you better be sure you've got one on you).
2. After longer conversations. Generally if the conversation lasts a few minutes this person will generally have an interest in talking to you again.
Basic premise here is if you are the guy walking around just handing out cards saying you're a real estate agent then you're just wasting time and money.
- Zillow/Trulia/Etc
These strategies need to be more calculated, but can have good results... for some. If you pay to use their services you better make sure you've got reviews and other info to back you up. Also be sure to follow up on the leads that do come from them.
- Your 1 liner
What do you say when someone asks you what you do?
1. I am a real estate agent... WRONG - So is everyone and their sister
2. I work in real estate... BETTER, but not great
3. I help flippers find shitty houses... A bit on the nose, but it will get attention
4. I help people get started in real estate investing... Also a good option
5. I help people on their path to being millionaires... It's not a lie if you're good
Think over your 1 line. Say it confidently, be sure it grabs attention (in the right way) and be able to follow it up.
- Why should people remember you
The goal is to stand out. If a sales class tells you a certain method works great, then it's likely it does, but it also means that everyone else is doing it. Do something creative. You can use the same method, but maybe put a new spin on it that will make your way more obvious. Be useful. People always remember someone who helped them just because.
Marketing and Sales are always in flux and only the strong and creative survive in it. Don't just join the crowd. Instead find a way to stand out. Most markets are saturated with agents so what are you doing to rise above the rest?