Finding Your Not-So-Static "Why"
“When we graduate, let’s move to Thailand”, I said while sitting in the frat house pre-college graduation. That night, I probably drank too many beers and woke up with a burrito next to me. When I graduated, not much had changed. I still knew that I wanted to be living abroad, getting a fair dose of vitamin sea. More generally, I knew an office wasn't for me and that I needed to find some sort of alternative.
When I quit my job to pursue pretty much whatever came my way, I had a “why”: I didn’t want to sit in an office, commute to work daily, live in a city that as I write this is experiencing something they call a polar vortex. I had been reading and listing to podcasts about real estate investing. I had been networking with people out doing it. I was ready (or so I thought, perhaps good to be naive sometimes).
Just recently, I have felt a bit lost. Actually, for a year or more I have been kind of coasting. When I think back, it isn’t like I haven’t been productive. I added some assets to the portfolio and have slang some pretty cool deals. However, I just haven't been scaling as I know I could. I put it off to being scatter-brained and “too much going on”. This is probably true, but there is a bigger reason - I lost my “why” (well, perhaps it just expired). I don’t have to worry about going back to sitting on I-90 after a day of working on something I couldn’t give two shits about. This is a good thing.
Now I face a dilemma: I just turned the big 3-0. Although I am sitting in a hammock listening to the same Jack Johnson tune that I was probably listening to eight years ago, I got some stuff to sort out: What do I want? Why do I want it? What motivates me at this point in my life?
These sounds like big questions. I guess they are, but I also think they are questions that I am lucky to be able to ask. I think everyone should do this. Don’t just make a new years resolution - know why you are making it. Looking forward to figuring it out. After that, time to figure out the “how”.
Comments (1)
Thanks for sharing. It definitively resonated...
Joesiann Cortez, about 6 years ago