Marketing as if it were to Yourself
When you see or hear these offerings, are you enticed to stall what you're doing a go a different direction? Is it this particular circus brand tactic that brings about the desire within you to follow through on a product or service?
Or, when a friend takes you aside from the masses and whispers in your ear the name and information of somebody they trust, does that stick with you a little better?
Each day you commute to your office, turn on the radio or television, visit your favorite sites, check your email, app or visit a store to get a replacement or new part you are bombarded by more than 5,000 advertisements clamoring around in the crowded marketplace known as your head. When you lay down at night, reviewing your day, which of them, if any, stick out?
Demanding attention with a call to action that has not previously stirred desire from the message preceding it will do more to push your potential client away rather than get them to move in the direction you'd like.
Create a message that relates the point of interest you'd like to convey most,ideally this would be the one item that sets your product or service apart from your competitor. Give this interest merit with actual scenarios but leave enough room for the mind to connect a few of the dots. Conclude your presentation with an invitation instead of a demand. Let your potential client know that you're solid enough to be available outside of RIGHT NOW!
I'm happy to review, comment on or recommend items for your upcoming marketing ideas, simply reach out at your convenience.