Celebrate your life!
Wednesday, December 16
Chores, errands, and unexpected happenings. These distractions are everywhere and show up every day. Being busy does not automatically translate to being productive. Life can interfere and cause you to put goals and aspirations on the back burner. You are the narrator of your life. How will ...
Focus on the 20 not the 80
Friday, September 18
The Pareto Principle states that 20% of your efforts will produce 80% of your results. This principle can be applied to almost anything in life.I meet many new people every day working full time in real estate investing. They range from wily hustlers running a well oiled investing machine to g...
Become a time producer
Friday, September 04
Time is the measure of our life. The ultimate game and goal is living a long, happy, healthy life full of passions and purpose. This is the basis of being alive, to live and measure it by time. I think it is easy to get lost in the noise of the world created in our mind and forget about the mo...
Deals Deals Deals!
Thursday, March 26
As I stand back and look at the real estate business we are creating, I realize there are many different parts to focus on. It is easy to get sidetracked or lost focusing on the wrong part and end up frustrated because your business is not growing. If you are analytical like me, you want every ...