Episode 19 - Flight?
My title has a question mark in it because frankly, I’m not sure if I’m actually making deals or making mistakes :). Project Rocky is still in progress and while it has not been completed, I have gone ahead and procure another singlewide. Pretty rash in my opinion but we’ll see if I will fall or fly.
In other news, I’m continue to make connections. Another lead came in through another investor and it’s another doublewide on land. Although this lead seems to be better in potential as the seller owns the property completely and have no mortgage on the place. Although the seller is preferring the home to be moved. Either way we’ll learn more when I’m schedule to visit the subject property.
A park owner have also called me back, this one I have left multiple voicemails for. So now I’m working with multiple different parks all looking for me to provide some singlewides. Pretty good situation, I think, since I can bargain for discounted lot rent a little more, now that I have a small preference.
Recently I also attended another BP meet and it was great. Made a few connections that has been very helpful. I’m afraid this is another short post as I’m trying to figure out how to juggle multiple projects. The stories are really in the deals that I get, however as I’m trying to make them happen, reporting on them isn’t as exciting.
I can tell you that I’m very excited though. It’s somewhere between super stressed and super happy or even both at the same time. Crazy. Anyway, until next time, peace..