Real Estate Success and Failure: Skill – The Third Leg
In order to consistently succeed (which actually means succeeding most of the time), a certain amount of skill in select disciplines is essential. Developing these skills will take time, but the education you gather will be priceless. The following represent skills we have found to be very helpful.
- Negotiation – the ability to come to a mutually agreeable proposal with a seller that leads to the favorable acquisition of a high potential property
- Technical Awareness – At least some measure of the following
- Local codes, both common and unique
- Trade processes and timing within projects (e.g.; Which is first, paint or foundation repair?)
- Correct analysis of opportunities – being realistic, even pessimistic in the beginning of a deal regarding cost and potential value on sale
- Others that may be unique to your market area
- Market Style Awareness: Some like very traditional, some will accept very modern, etc.
- Translation of local feature preferences into house design criteria
- Are Dining rooms common
- 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms most desirable
- Garage or not
- Etc.
- Neighborhood requirements and impacts to design and profitability
- Local covenants
- HOA stipulations
- Others
The only way I know to gain sufficient levels of skill in these areas is through direct experience. There are too many possible scenarios to fit in even an encyclopedic text book on the subject. This is not terribly motivating, unless you are in the business for the long haul. Each market is similar to others and also unique in its own way. Learn yours and become a student of it and the markets that immediately surround it. The time spent developing these skills will provide you with ever increasing levels of financial rewards.
Comments (2)
Keith, thank you for this article blog, it just reinforces what I have always believed about flipping. I as a newbie who have never made an investment, should not be looking for property to flip rather I should be familiarizing myself with investing by talking to owners about wholesaling their property and finding buyers for them. I feel that I at least will have an opportunity to start seeing what is available and at the same time be able to get some experience from the buyers by listening to them about what they want to do with the property to fix it and flip it. While at the same time keep reading and learning as much as I can about getting a team together to start flipping in the future.
Brenda A., over 9 years ago
@Brenda A,
Start small and network to find the best team available. You don't have to wait to flip houses until everything is 'perfect', but 'pretty good' really helps!
Keith Frank, over 9 years ago