Good Incentive Why You Should Ask If You Are Qualified For A Home Loan
This recent Keeping Current Matters article lays out the facts & figures about renting versus home owning. It quite clearly provides another incentive to get with a local lender to see how you can get qualified to buy sooner than later!
Here is the simple and to the point article about how renting is more costly than paying for a mortgage:
Buying a Home is 35% Less Expensive than Renting! By The KCM Crew on May 18, 2015
Sure, many renters may say they can't afford to buy now, but honestly, unless you work in the mortgage market you don't know all the programs available. And not only the renters but also Real Estate Agents are surprised but what they find!
There are banks, credit unions with portfolio loan programs, local in-house lenders such as Stearns Lending and then of course alternative financing, also known as hard money loans - all of which have various qualifications but that HELP MANY WHO PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT THEY COULDN'T QUALIFY to buy a home now.
So, contact an experienced local lender and get started. You could qualify now, or, become qualified sooner than you thought!
Stop throwing your money away by renting.
Best, Ken
Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate
Hard Money Lenders Serving CA since 1988!