Placing a Figure on Personal Investment
Wednesday, January 06
We've been having this conversation in my home over the weekend. What's the right amount of money to invest in ourselves?When we get right down to it, some of our motivation comes down to money. Grad school is a great motivator for people looking for a change. Grad school comes at a price.But how...
Practicing Inbox Zero
Friday, August 14
am a devotee of GTD: The famous Getting Things Done system for productivity. It was first popularized by David Allen. It's probably the only reason I've ever had a chance to care about investing money at all. Regardless of how you subscribe to GTD, the practice of inbox zero has been one of the m...
Automated Rent Comps Via Padmapper
Sunday, July 12
How to go about creating rent comps for any zip code in the US. Pull down data for yourself and for your investing partners.Leave me some comments or give me a shout @pearoftheweek if you want to learn more.
Evaluating ETF Liquidation Risk
Wednesday, June 17
Healthy skepticism is, well, healthy. Many of my colleagues in real estate advocate an investment approach of great skepticism. A skepticism targeted at Wall St. and the institutions that 'perpetuate the boomb-bust cycle.'One extreme view: Peter Schiff and Euro Pacific Capital advocate physical a...
Google Distance Matrix API (III)
Wednesday, June 10
The third video in our series: Answering Data Questions, Using Python. Basic usage of the Google Maps Distance Matrix API, for Python.RESOURCES MENTIONED Google Maps Distance MatrixGoogle Maps Services for PythonPyCharm from JetBrains
Newly Married? Some Money Lessons Learned
Monday, June 08
as asked recently to give my Top Ten list of financial advice for newlyweds. I am about to round the corner on my third year of marriage. Some things we’ve learned by doing, and some things we’ve learned by not doing (the hard way).Want other opinions? I have listed a few other resources at the b...