The Four Qualities You Must Possess For Success
Before success comes in any man's life, he's sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That's exactly what the majority of men do. - Napoleon Hill
Once upon a time, I fell under this exact category. I listened to gurus and other people in the field of REI, they painted the perfect picture for me, and I was extremely motivated. A few months after beginning my REI journey, I begin to see things as a money hole with no results; I threw the towel in and lost my faith in a future in real estate. A few months ago, something magical happened. A book that I have owned since late 2012, but never read, just seemed to call me. I've heard of this book multiple times here on Bigger Pockets podcast, YouTube, Facebook but I never taken the time to read it for myself. This book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Mr. Hill wrote guidance to success in anything you desire during the 1930s but yet so many people have yet to understand some of his concepts even 80 years later. Four qualities that you must possess in order to achieve anything in life are passion, self-confidence, determination, and action. Let me show you a few quotes so I can elaborate.
Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited. - Napoleon Hill
Simply put, if you are not passionate about REI, you will not make. Your journey will be like everyone else who has come and go, even mines. REI can but fun and easily turned into a passion, but one must know how to. Take me for example; two of my passionate hobbies are videography and photography. For me to turn REI into something that allows me to enjoy my hobbies and passions daily, I incorporate those two. What are your hobbies? Can they be incorporated into your daily REI activities? This can be the difference between waking up to go to “work” and waking up to make money doing something you love doing. Anyone who is successful and well established in REI has a passion. It may not be photography, talking to people, making money, or anything obvious to you, but there is something inside of them that keeps their engines rolling. Maybe they enjoy helping other people, maybe the like the smell of an old ran down house, maybe its problem solving, anything. What matters is the passion is working for them; it keeps them motivated, and continues to drive their success. Sit back and think about what is driving you right now with REI. If it’s just fast money, I’m sorry but you might be in the wrong field. See if you can incorporate some of your hobbies into your business.
There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. - Napoleon Hill
If you do not feel confident enough in yourself, nothing else matters, you have already quit. Who is in control of your destiny, your day-to-day outcome, and the choices you make? YOU ARE! Not your mother, father, children, wife, or Mr. Larry next door. ONLY YOU ARE! Once you realize that, you then become one step closer to reaching your goals. If you believe in yourself, you can sell ice to an Eskimo. If you truly believe in yourself, you can sell a painting to a blind man. No one cares that you didn’t get asking price for the last deal you made. The only reason you didn’t is because you lost confidence in your decision about the asking price or you just wanted the money. Self-confidence is the difference between doing one deal that earns you one million dollars or 1,000 deals that total one million dollars. You should have self-confidence in everything you do. Regardless of how difficult everyone else claims it to be, if you feel confident enough in yourself, it will work out perfectly.
Don't wait. The time will never be just right. - Napoleon Hill
We all come up with excuses for not taking action. Money, too busy, family, you’re tired, whatever. Every excuse you make has a resolution, but it sure isn’t putting things off until tomorrow. Live everyday for the now and stop living for tomorrow. All we can do is hope for tomorrow, but the right now is what truly matters. Small baby steps are better than nothing at all. Take action, buy some bandit signs, go to an auction, go see a rehab, talk to agents and view properties, anything but stop giving excuses. If the excuse is money, find something to do to make extra money. If you don’t want to work another job so you can have the extra money, you aren’t focused and determined enough. If the excuse is you’re too busy, that is because you want to be busy. Most likely your day is full of things that are not benefiting you and your goals. Think about how much time we waste on social networks and worrying about every one else and their lives. You can make time for whatever you desire, just desire things that are fulfilling to you and beneficial to your family. How do you take action? Easy, put one foot forward and take one step at a time. Grasp the concept that most of the riches will not come overnight, but they will happen. REI is a marathon, not a sprint. You will have plenty of time to read about REI, but experience is the best teacher. Look forward to going to seminars and reading more and more, but do it after you’ve taken action.
Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times. - Napoleon Hill
Be determined to reach your goals. People fail time and time again, but what the greats are made of is a determination to succeed. Your determination ties into everything we have covered. If you are determined to be successful in REI, then you will be. Your determination will show itself to the people you come across, the actions you take, and the decisions you make. If you happen to fail, think about what happened, what went wrong, how did it go wrong, and what can be done to prevent that. Learn from your mistakes, remain positive, and drive on. Do not shun away from something you are interested in because others are afraid of it. Low-income housing, properties under $30k, war zones, it doesn’t matter. If you are determined enough to make something work that everyone else has given up on, then you will always come out on top.
Comments (42)
Very nice post @Chaz Reid, it's important to keep these qualities at the forefront of the mind
Diana Duncan, over 6 years ago
Thank you for checking it out @Melvin Hubbard
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Great Article @Chaz Reid I agree with everything you said!
Melvin H., over 9 years ago
Thank you for your kind reply @Erika Bender You'll do great on your journey!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Chaz, Thank you for the warm welcome and encouragement! This post is so important for me right now!
Erika Bender, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Haitham Abbasi!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Haitham Abbasi!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Wow well written!!
Haitham Abbasi, over 9 years ago
Thank you so much for your positive words @Sade Adejare and @Nick Pash!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Great read and very inspirational, I am going to print this out as well to look at daily!
Tessia Pash
Nick Pash, over 9 years ago
Excellent review. Thank you.
Sade Adejare, over 9 years ago
Thank you so much @Lisa Nilsson!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Thanks Chaz. I love it!
Lisa Lamazzi, over 9 years ago
Peace and blessings @Karl Kuykendall
Indeed you are all you believe in yourself to be. Thank for the positive vibrations.
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Mr. Chaz Reid,
Great post. Currently, I'm reading Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. I haven't read Think and Grow Rich but there are a lot of references to it and I believe it has the same message. My current mantra "I AM."
Thanks for your service.
Karl Kuykendall, over 9 years ago
Sure thing @Vickie Massey-Smith
Just send me an email whenever you find the time. And thank you for checking out my blog post :-)
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Good morning Chaz! My name is Vickie Massey, from Raleigh NC. I have to say it has really been motivating reading your posts. I am interested in talking with you about possibly networking with you on some deals in Florida. I say this because you stated that you are willing to consider properties in other states. I have a lawyer friend from Raleigh, who is a realtor in Florida, and is waiting for me to come there, with investors who are ready to do business! Can we talk?
Vickie Massey
Vickie Massey-Smith, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Jorge Ortega
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Well Done Chaz! Keep me motivated!
Jorge Ortega, over 9 years ago
That's definitely true @Atiya Dean
Keep a positive mindset about this journey with you at all times. Things will work out.
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Thank you for the link to this post. I am pessimistic in nature, so reading things like this remind me that I must remain positive and determined.
Atiya Dean, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Paul Samuels and @Minh Le!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Well, I can't argue with those. If you can't beat them, join them.
Account Closed, over 9 years ago
This is great! I am currently reading this book now and it is life changing! I love books like this that empowers men and women! His words are so impactful. Thanks for pointing this out @Chaz Reid!
Paul Samuels, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Mike Vakas!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Great Article! Thank you!
Mike V., over 9 years ago
Thank you @Griffin Fehrs!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
@Chaz Reid Great stuff, man!!
Griffin Fehrs, over 9 years ago
I understand completely @Anita Jernigan you just have to believe and don't take the easy way out. There will be good days and some bad. But brush the bad ones off to the side and keep it moving. I'll see you around the forum. Thanks for the kind words.
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Wow I totally enjoyed that @Chaz Reid. This really makes me happy in my
decision real estate investing & being a wholesaler all new to me.
I'm just a little scared some people only do the things they are good at in life.
There comfortable doing things their way including me use of having a backup plan familiar hunting ground. When you start a new adventure butterfly's are in your stomach;so afraid of failure almost don't even want to try real estate & making money is my passion. Thank you for a great read.
Anita Jernigan, over 9 years ago
George Calbert, over 9 years ago
I love that @George Calbert . I'm glad you enjoyed the post bro. I'll be seeing you around the forum!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Yeah @Niki Lee , that's definitely a must read especially in this field. Thanks for the positive comment as well. :-)
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Great article, @Chaz Reid ! Thanks for linking me to it.
You are so right in regards to the examples you listing under each of your 4 qualities!
Need to include "Think & Grow Rich" on my list of books to read!
Niki Lee, over 9 years ago
Very true statement @Greg Gaskill
Thanks for checking it out!
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
worth reading, then re-reading later (as these practices tend to fade), until they become habit
Greg Gaskill, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Kevin Ramirez Nieto !
Chaz Reid, over 9 years ago
Man what a post!!
Kevin Ramirez Nieto, over 9 years ago
Thank you @Craig Pfeffer . Think and Grow Rich is definitely a must read!
Chaz Reid, almost 10 years ago
Good article. A great book by Napoleon Hill is "Think and Grow Rich"
Craig Pfeffer, almost 10 years ago
Wow!!! Thank you so much! I told myself that this might not be for everyone to love but as long as I can reach one person, my job was done well. Thank you again @Anson Groves
Chaz Reid, almost 10 years ago
Excellent! I'm printing this out and it's going on my wall.
Anson Groves, almost 10 years ago