My previous Residence - Reston SFH
We have lived in Reston for about 6 years. We found a house that we loved in Herndon. Our current house needed some work to be ready to sell, so we decided to rent out the house in Reston.
We were able to qualify to buy the house in Herndon while keeping the Reston house.
I made a poor choice in the Real Estate agent for listing the house as a rental. She seemed much more interested in selling our house, than finding a renter even though the house was only listed as a rental. Despite that focus she was only able to get one offer that while not completely ridiculous was significantly below market(just over 600K).
We ended up getting tenants who are on a short-term lease.
The house just across from ours sold 2 years ago for 640K. There are 5 houses on the court. We knew another neighbor was going on the market this year. They just listed and went under contract in 1 day for 750K. Our house isn't as nice as the other two, but it seems 600K would have really been selling ourselves short.
At this point I think the 1st step is to find a real estate agent. The listing agent for our neighbors will definitely be on the list. Our former agent will not be considered.