15 Minutes Per Day Will Change Your Life
What steps are you taking to get where you want to go? Do you have the right systems in place? What if I told you 15 minutes per day is all you need to take your goals to the next level, would you believe me? When starting a new journey I commit to 15 minutes per day, here are my reasons why.
Simple and Achievable
This has huge mental implications. 15 minutes is achievable, there is no pressure. Anyone can commit to it. If you do 15 minutes per day minimum towards your goals you will feel great and keep your mind moving. If you commit to 1 hour per day so much has to fall into place especially if you are on a real estate journey and you have a full time job or family. 1 hour can become overbearing and if not accomplished you may get down on yourself. Keep it simple to avoid additional stress, you can do 15 minutes.
Result happen from consistency
Consistency is what creates results. A small effort done daily will compound into something much bigger. These small tasks begin to multiple over time, your small efforts sink in and becomes part of your life. You will create momentum which will turn into an unstoppable force.
It's always more than 15 minutes
Here is the best part of committing to 15 minutes per day, it ends up being longer than 15 minutes especially once momentum kicks in. I have had days where I did not want to do the work but I committed to 15 minutes and turned a do nothing day into hours of work. Once you start moving sometimes it is tough to stop. 15 minutes will create momentum and allow you to win the day and take another step in the right direction.
From real estate investing to starting a new hobby this quick tip works for me, give it a shot and see what it will do for you. I believe too many times we scare ourselves out of doing something because we put so much pressure on ourselves or the mountain looks too large to climb. Keep it simple and consistent and results will show up.