Top 5 things most landlords do not know
Being a landlord is a serious business.
It is utterly important to know the laws and rules in place in your area to avoid any problems. Look up the fair housing laws in your areas to make sure you are doing the right thing.
Landlords overlook the difference between service animals and therapy animals.
From the law’s perspective, service animals are not considered pets. Special exemptions will have to be made for service animals and there are specific rules to as to what you may or may not ask from a person with a service animal.
How to handle maintenance issues
There are certain maintenance issues that need to be handled as soon as possible, and there are property codes and rules that you need to abide by.
Legal issues
Legal issues can be avoided by making sure that the landlord and the tenant both understand the lease agreement. Make sure that all parties involved know and understand what the contract is all about.
Screening your applicants is very important.
Make sure you have a consistent screening process for all applicants and be very selective as this will certainly help you in the long run.
Learning about these 5 things are crucial if you want to be a successful landlord. Do some research about the laws in your area and avoid these common pitfalls.
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