Why Invest in Houston, Texas?
What I would like to talk about today is we do get a lot of investors asking why they should come and invest in Houston. So what I would like to do is to tell you a little about Houston and why we think it’s a great time to buy property here. It is the fourth largest city in the country that happens to be the fastest growing city. I think one of the main reasons is this is where major companies from around the world have moved their headquarters or office of operations. For example, Exxon is opening up a 385 acre headquarter campus here. I believe it’s going to have roughly some fifteen thousand employees and they are saying there will be around another twenty thousand total secondary people moving to this area. We’ve noticed that they are adding freeways, widening roads, building schools, and building new houses just for this new construction.
The next thing I would say is the Medical Center. This is one of the top Medical Centers in the world. It is also one of the top research centers for cancer in the world. They say that due to the size, it would be the 16thlargest city in the US just at the medical center alone.
Next, there are two major airlines that have operations here. United Airlines, which is one of the largest in the world and Southwest Airlines. There are a lot of employees that work for the airlines who live locally. NASA is here. There is a very large population of employees that live down in the south part of Houston and that makes up a large economy for that area.
So, I think there’s a lot of reason’s to come here. It’s also one of the places in the US that you can come and buy property and still make money. The median average house price is about $150,000 in Houston. The next city to Houston is Chicago and that’s about a $385,000 median house price, then you have New York and Los Angeles. So I would say compared to those other cities, we have a growing city. Things are definitely increasing and you are able to buy properties here and create cash flow.