Goals Update
Sunday, July 17
I am doing a midyear check up on my goals , and realize did not post summary of last yers goals , how I did, and my goals for 2016 So my 2015 goals will be as follows 1.Continue to have tenant pay down mortgages on existing properties. Goal is %00 occupancy on the 4 SF houses - Status – Met -...
Advantages investing while on Active Duty
Tuesday, February 02
AS i transition , I just wanted to capture some points that are available to service members that start their RE investing career while on active duity. The VA loan program has already been talked in several forums, so I will focus on other non financing areas. Some key points there are s...
Update Property #4
Friday, November 20
Well Havent been on in a while but am gping to start getting re-energized in hte community. will give a brief update of my current status later this weekendon to property #4 Property – Augusta (Martinez) GA ,How I found it - Following my previous formula, when I was transferred to Fort Gordon, A...
update Property #3
Friday, April 03
Been off the net for a while so decided it was time to revisit my blog and see where I was on my goals. Will quickly post on houses 3 and 4House #3 Property – Colorado Springs, Co How I found it –Went be some referrals from friends that have lived at Carson to get some neighborhoods, as well...
Property #2
Friday, January 30
After my first duty station and purchase (above0 I did a year of Army school and then 4 years overseas in Germany.Enjoyed my time there and then got orders to move to good ole Louisiana.My second purchase was another buy and hold rental – with me purchasing the property at my new duty station at ...
History Deal #1
Tuesday, January 27
Start of the blog by revisiting each of my current properties and its current status and performance : Deal #1 Fayetteville NC – July 1995Purpose of buying – have lived in apartment first year of tour, and read in a book about how a good idea for young S/M would be to buy at every duty station, a...