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Posted almost 6 years ago

Are you in the plan trap? Find out how to get free!

We are told constantly to make a "plan" as one of our first steps to starting the journey in real estate. In the past even I made a plan, but the more knowledge I gain, the more patient I become I see that a plan is more of a box that can keep someone doing nothing year after year after year. Is this something you have experienced?

Most of the advice I see goes a little like this Step 1: save money and improve credit. Well that is easy to put on paper, but how long does it take someone to save enough for a down payment? How long does it take to improve your credit?

You don't even have to answer, I will make it easy for you. YEARS!

STEP 2: Read books, take training, listen to podcasts, pay for training, go to meetings! Knowledge is important, but it is something you can gain over the long-term. This is another step that all of us get stuck on. We can waste years going to meetings, paying for training, paying for products in "NO MONEY DOWN WEBINARS" We want to purchase a property now, not years from now.

These "plans" go on and on. The bottom line is we can't afford to waste time. All of the investors telling you to buy the training, buy the "Private facebook" membership where they give you just enough information to prime you to buy the next training they are putting out. How will you ever save your money if they are constantly sucking it out of you?

Get out of the PLAN trap, check out my post on HOW TO FIND AN INVESTOR FRIENDLY AGENT. It's free. Find an agent in your area and buy 1 rental property.(If you do not own a home, buy one and house hack as your first investment) There are plenty of down payment assistance programs out there that will give you money for a down payment. Your new Realtor should be partnered with a reliable lending professional who will be educated on these options.

With zero time wasted trying to become a "spreadsheet investor" (this is my term for the guys who live their life with a spreadsheet in front of them talking about "net present value" and "underwriting" and "intrinsic value"), and close to zero dollars you can have your first investment property!

Thank you for reading, if you have any questions feel free to reach out. You don't even have to pay $50 dollars a month to join my "Exclusive private facebook group" I will happily talk about real estate with you free of charge.
