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Posted over 6 years ago

Can I practice real estate with a full time job

A common question that comes up on virtually every real estate forum I am part of is "Can I practice real estate with a full-time job."

If you do not have time to read this entire post, my short answer is YES! You can have a full-time job and be successful in real estate.

Below are the reasons I feel that this method is preferable to any other option.

1. It takes time to build a business

Don't believe the hype; you're most likely not going to quit your job and find riches in real estate. They do not teach business building in schools. If you are in this alone, or with a significant other or partner, it's going to take time to learn the rock bottom fundamentals which are systems, real estate lead generation, and marketing. Spare yourself some stress and do this while you get paid from a job.

2. We all have bad habits, fix them

It takes time to build foundational habits that will support the success of your business. Some have bad credit, bad relationships, no cash, the list is endless. Get paid from a job while you establish good habits, and get rid of the bad. Save some dollars, fix your credit, build your network. All of these activities will pay off in the long term. How you handle the small stuff is how you will handle the big stuff. Start managing the small stuff correctly.

3. We want long-term success

You have to ask yourself a question, do you always want to be the guy begging the owner for financing because you have no cash, and can't qualify for a loan. Or do you want to be the guy with leverage to negotiate an excellent agreement that favors you because you have plenty of cash in the bank, and access to cash from lenders because of your remarkable credit score and history?

Guy #2 kept his job while he established his credit, expanded his knowledge, installed foundational habits that support business and personal life.

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