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Posted over 14 years ago

Atlas Shrugged... In Real Life!

Based on recent events in our economy and what appears to be an administration bent on destroying our capitalistic system, it seems that Ayn Rand was way ahead of her times when she wrote her fiction novel "Atlas Shrugged". 

If you have not read this book... you should. 

While written in 1957, it seems to have captured the essence of some of the very things our nation is being confronted with today... primarily that there has been an ever-increasing group of people (looters or non-producers) who are willing with a straight face to live off of the efforts of an ever-decreasing number of (producers or creators).   And the differences in these two groups are being exploited by a very vocal group lead by our current administration. 

If you are confused about what I am talking about, consider that, just this past weekend, the House of Representatives passed a $1,200,000,000,0000.00 (that's a lot of zeros) healthcare plan. While the objective is noble so far the approach (this plan) is both heavy handed and it stinks!

In addition, everything coming from Washington today only reinforces the notion that you and I will have ample opportunity as real estate investors to fork over our hard-earned income and profits, via increased taxes and reduced deductions, to those who choose not to take the risks and reap the rewards of their efforts.  While this group of "looters" quite frankly expects that they deserve the fruits of our labors without so much as raising a hand to help. 

So... where am I going with this?


Well, I have been thinking seriously about going "John Galt!"  If you don't know what that means, read the book... or Google it.  I will share with you that, essentially, it means cutting back, doing nothing to support the economy, going off-grid and reducing my income and TAXES to the lowest level possible. 


Sounds great doesn't it? But I am not willing to that! 

Instead, I am proposing something totally contrary to a rapidly-growing movement.  What I am proposing is that if we, you and I, want our economy to survive and recover in spite of all of the challenges thrown in front of us... then we must ensure that our small real estate businesses thrive and prosper.  As that is the only way to get us out of this hole we find ourselves in and possibly beat back this assualt on our economy.

I recently did a podcast regarding the impact each of us as real estate investors has on our local economy every time you buy, or rehab or rent a property.  It is staggering when you think about it! You can listen to that podcast at… h

So... instead of going "GALT" I encourage each of you to step up to the plate, do what you can to support your local economy, and  unabashedly claim your well deserved profits. 

To Your Success...


If you found this post to be of value, I would be honored if you passed it on to others who may benefit.


Peter R, Giardini is the founder of The Club, Real Estate Mastermind a National Real Estate Investor Coaching program whose philosophy is that real estate investing coaching/ mentoring can only be provided by experenced "local" coaches in a one-on-one environment. To find out more about The Club visit or send an email to .

You can listen in and participate in Pete's Real Estate Investors' Mastermind radio show every Thursday night at 11:00PM on BlogTalkRadio... .  Copyright 2009, All rights reserved. 

Comments (5)

  1. Awe... now if we could only get the Government to pay us to fix the carnage the "looters" leave behind as they move from place to place... I do believe we would have found the holy grail of looterdom:) While it is harder... I think it is a lot more fun to create and contribute then to loot!

  2. I want my share of your work Peter. Maybe I can convince the government to give me a grant to pay someone to fix-up those section 8 buildings they did not upkeep. lol

  3. Well, history repeats itself. Very informative post. Keep up the good work and good luck on all your <a href="">real estate endeavors</a>.

  4. I loved reading and love rereading Atlas Shrugged!

  5. Very Well said!!! I will do my part in my investment market Good Investing