Driving for Dollars... A Real Life Story!
Saturday, April 24
As I read through the various posts on BP I am struck by the number of posts from all investors, but mostly new ones, wondering what they should be doing to find properties. It's a great question... whose answer in todays REO heavy environment often is... hit the multiple listing service. While ...
When Will Property Prices Start to Climb?
Sunday, April 11
Have you noticed the number of articles being written about when housing prices will start to recover and "real' appreciation will start to kick in? It seems everywhere I turn someone is trying to "TALK" the housing market up. Have you reading the same things? This link http://tinyurl.com/y2fdz...
Working ON Your Business... Versus IN Your Business -- Conclusion.
Wednesday, April 07
In the previous installment of this article... you can read it here... I focused on one of the key elements Michael Gerber in his book The E-Myth Revisited believed was essential to the success of any entrepreneur and that was having a clear, articulated vision for their business. I believe I m...
Working ON Your Business... Versus, Working IN Your Business -- Part 2
Wednesday, March 17
I would like to start out the second part of this article by sharing a short story that drives home the importance of having a vision for you business. As discussed in Part 1 Michael Gerber identifies in his book The E-Myth Revisited, that vision as one of the critical legs that all entrepreneur...
Working ON Your Business... Versus IN Your Business -- Part 1
Saturday, March 06
We hear this all the time. In order to succeed you need to be “working ON your business… instead of IN your business!” For many real estate investors working IN a business is all that they know. You may recall from my previous series titled It’s Lonely At The Top…that almost everyone of us left ...
Dead Beat Tenants... One Way to Inform The World
Saturday, March 06
Have you ever wondered how you inform the world of your experience with a dead beat tenant?Well... one person in Maine has demonstarted one way of doing just that.Watch this short video... which I put together to create a learning moment for everyone. To Your Success...Pete