An HVAC repair nightmare
Tuesday, November 04
We recently acquired four rental units to manage in a condo complex, within our local community. The owner was dissatisfied with the previous management company’s operation and the condition of their investment properties. As we inspected and made the necessary repairs to make the units move-in ...
Home Ownership is not an Investment
Tuesday, November 04
I have had about enough of the touchy feely articles and blogs talking about all the wonderful aspects with the investment of home ownership. First of all, owning a home is not an investment, it’s should be about being your home. When someone spends thirty thousand dollars on a pool for their hom...
The Intruder
Tuesday, November 04
It started out as a typical fall morning, sitting in traffic in route to a jobsite to check on the crew, doing building repairs, in a condo association our company managed.My cell phone rang with a familiar number and as I answered; “good morning Christie”, the sound of a hysterical girl sobbing,...
Is your house ready for you to get old?
Tuesday, November 04
You’re aging, your house is getting old; is your house ready for your senior years? With 8-10000 Baby-Boomers turning 65 everyday, many of them have yet to think about their future accommodations. So what’s to think about; some grab handles in the shower and some rug grippers to keep rugs in plac...