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Dealing with Larger purchases- pt 2

Monday, August 24

I'm not very good at this techie stuff. I had previously attempted to post a pt 2 and now  can't find it. I believe this is where it showed up as a post. I'm entering a Part 3 and wanted to have this one first. Sorry for any confusion. Rich.Phase 2 of Buying Larger properties Here is Pt 2 in its...

Phase 2 of Buying Larger properties

Sunday, August 16

Thank you for the nice comments to this blog as well as PMS and personal e-mails. It is nice to know potential investors are paying attention. In response to Louis- Your comments were great and very helpful. Please feel free to add to this blog as wellas anyone else out there.    Not all lenders ...

Dealing with Larger purchases

Saturday, August 15

 As many of you know, I've just recently completed the purchase of 154 units in Dallas area. It has been over 30 years since the last time I bought something that large and times have changed. I'm going to enter some info on the steps to accomplish this, because I don't want you to think it is ea...

Before you think you can get vacancies eliminated, read this

Monday, August 10 This is a pretty interesting article. If you are buying in NY , Tucson, Jacsonville and some others, you should see where it ranks. This article takes the owner homes that are now vacant as well a...

Decrease your income taxes with these hints

Thursday, July 30

I promised my wife I'd work with her and be available to help with the income taxes for a couple days. I drive the MRS crazy with the things I do. I decided that since I have time between her questions, I'd post today in between her requests. I've always spent about half the year earning money an...