Investment Property, A vs. B & C Class Assets
Wednesday, May 06
When entering the world of Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing, there are generally more questions than answers. There is a lot to consider regarding the best type of investment for your specific purposes. One of those being, what type of property to acquire, and additionally, what type of returns...
Real Estate vs Stocks
Friday, January 09
It is the age old question. Where should I put my money? How do I invest? Where do I get the best return? Where will I be better off in the future? For most of us, we have one goal and one goal only when it comes to money. How can I make the most of it, while mitigating my losses? Whether you put...
I love 2015
Tuesday, January 06
I love January of 2015, and not just January of 2015 but every January! We’ve all eaten our fair share of calories and junk food, relaxed, spent time with the family and fun Holiday traditions, but the start of the year brings with it the feel of excitement and anticipation of what the New Year ...
Taking a Look at Investing in 2015
Monday, December 29
The key word for Arizona’s Real Estate Market in 2015, would be stable. That’s a word we haven’t been able to use in Real Estate in quite some time. According to the Home Buying Institute, “Inventory levels are normalizing. Housing markets are normalizing.” We’re seeing steady growth year by year...
Investing in Real Estate Using Your IRA
Wednesday, December 03
Did you know you can use your IRA to invest in Real Estate? I’m really excited about this concept! Many of us have money sitting in an IRA earning 2% a year. What if you could quadruple that or more with no tax repercussions? There are a few ways to do just that, purchase property and seller carr...