Who Would Be Happy With a 109% ROI in 216 Days?
Tuesday, April 18
We have not done a case study in quite a while, mostly due to getting our taxes ready, so here is our latest one, #9 we call "A Sad Foreclosure Story." It was on a nice home in Atlanta, in a great neighborhood, and the mortgage sold at foreclosure. We had many bumps, road blocks, and delays along...
Have We Hit Peak Notes?
Tuesday, March 28
Are we at Peak Note when a Non Performing 1st Lien in Hicksville, USA is being offered at par???
Taxing Real Estate Investors Into Oblivion
Tuesday, March 07
Interesting article over @ Zerohedge.com about Paris raising taxe on vacant properties to get rid of the glut of them and encourage people to live in them. They started at 20% of fair market rent, and went to 60%! http://bit.ly/2n2JqjLIts not being done to punish people with a 2nd home, its aime...
Make Sure Your Ducks Are In A Row Before You Foreclose
Tuesday, March 07
I read an interesting article on Sirote .com about a homeowner who fought a foreclosure in Florida, and its eerily similar to a situation we find ourselves in. The homeowner was foreclosed on, and she was successful in showing the bank did not have standing to foreclose because they were not the ...
Silverwood Capital Case Study #8: 117.75% ROI In 104 Days
Tuesday, October 18
We picked up this Non-Performing Note in Center Point, AL. I knew this would be a very sweet deal because, 1. That area of Birmingham is hot and homes sell in the mid to high 70's+, 2. We got the note for a great price of $15,000.00 from a fund we buy from, 3. We set it for a great price at forec...
4 Re-Performing 1st Lien Note Pool
Sunday, September 25
I figured a video of the 4x 1st Lien Re-Performing Note Pool is worth 10,000 words! Call: 1-844-2-BUY-NOTE for more info! Cherry picking is allowed!