Why post about Failure?!
Most blogs I read don't include peoples failures. If someone is telling their story, they usually tell all the highlights - the good stuff. They talk about how much money they made or their smart decision making. They might include a section calling their mistakes "lessons learned", but they don't like to use the "F" word- Failure.
I've always been the kind of person who learns best by taking action, and my story is full of failures. I like to fail, because I'd prefer to try something new today, fail, learn from it, and improve tomorrow. What's the alternative? Sitting around reading and waiting, and never taking action?
This is not to say that I think people should jump into projects like Real Estate Investing without any knowledge. "Be Prepared!" is the boy scout motto, and being an Eagle Scout, I have never forgotten it. I've spent the last two years reading, networking, and planning on becoming a Real Estate Investor. I've built part of a team, have a business partner, and feel confident in the direction I'm heading.
I'm not ashamed or afraid of failing. It's how I learn and grow. I plan to use this blog to document my failings and hopefully, successes, as I continue my Real Estate Investing journey.