How to maximize your relationships on Bp!
I've said it dozens of times...
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad changed my mind. Bigger Pockets changed my life!"
-Ryan Dossey
While the website itself didn't change my life the people on here certainly have. If you want to actually get something out of this website follow my tips.
- Step One: Reach out to members in your area. The Network tab is there for a reason!
- Step Two: Don't expect people to find you. Find them. I'd rather be shameless and full vs. proud and hungry.
- Step Three: Find a way to help fellow members.
- Step Four: Use the "awards" to help you grow!
- Step Five: Don't be afraid to have an opinion.
- Step Six: Be yourself. Be truthful.
- Lastly: Take Action. Make money.
One of the first things I did when I joined BP was start looking for members in my area. One of the first people I met introduced me to my portfolio lender, HML, and countless other people. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am had I not networked. Don't judge a person on here by the post count. The aforementioned member has under 100 posts and his advice has been invaluable.
I started seeing a lot of the successful people were mentioning that they were using Direct Mail. I noticed a recurring name on podcasts and threads. @Jerry Puckett. I added the guy on here with no luck. I filled out the form on his website with no luck. I messaged him again and got a response to fill out the form on his website. I got snappy and we got connected. I'd rather come off persistent vs. not being noticed. "The squeakiest wheel gets the grease!" Jerry would have never known to reach out to the kid on here who knew nothing.
I promise you there is content you can be contributing. What experiences in your life can you share with members to help them grow? It doesn't have to be Real Estate related. There is a gal on here from Chicago who was a huge encouragement to my marriage. Another guy who made get back into playing music. Several other who have kept me in check. What do you do for a living? How can you apply that here?
For new members look through the awards you can "win". I know it seem childish but lets be honest... We have all replayed a level on Angry Birds for the 3rd star. View these as milestones to fill out your online profile. Upload a dang picture, vote on posts you like, welcome new people, start a blog, link to your social pages, etc. Make yourself real.
***quick pet peve... If you have one post... Don't be the guy asking for money in a prohibited thread...
You have thoughts on subjects discussed here. So do us all a favor and share them. You may have a unique way of solving a problem that someone needs to here. I have thrown out some dumb ideas and some solid gold. On forums you are going to get called out. This site is way more tame than most of them. You typically don't have senior members dogging new guys out. It happens. Learn from it. Like the time I asked for book suggestions to read on my honey moon... I deserved every bit of the tough love.
Do not come on here pretending like you are Donald Trump. Be honest be truthful and be teachable. Search the threads to questions you don't know the answers to. If you can't find a suitable answer... Ask!
After you've done some research (notice I didn't say all of it) get your hands dirty. Take action and get something done. You will learn more on your first deal that 10 books couldn't teach you. I promise you the endorphins that are released when the title company slides you that first check are worth the stress.
@Joshua Dorkin @Brandon Turner Feel free to use that opening quote. But be forewarned that it will be used in my book.
Comments (12)
Great Blog post!
Jerry Padilla, over 8 years ago
@Ryan D. great post and thanks for the success tips!
James Green, over 9 years ago
RDPD change my mindset too but how to i reach out to people in BP if i'm from Asia?
Account Closed, over 9 years ago
So I saw the blog post title, put it together with your profile pic, and thought this was going to be about ...
oh well, never mind
Jean Bolger, over 9 years ago
I'm considering this my "to-do" list. Thanks for sharing!
Monica S., over 9 years ago
This was a great read! I think everyone needs to be reminded from time to time it's not all about you. Sometimes you just need to share your experience because there are others reading that are going through what you already did. It's not the success stories that helps us through it, it's the reassurance that if you fight through it, success will come just like it did for those that are telling success stories now.
Ozzy Smith, over 9 years ago
Thanks for writing this! I love your quote. I am looking forward to the information on BP to change my life with hard work. Congrats on your success. Thanks for connecting.
Jeremy S., over 9 years ago
@Ryan thank you! You probably didn't know it but you were talking to me!
Joseph Colon, over 9 years ago
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Lauren Lockett, over 9 years ago
Great Insight my friend!. I have 7 new steps to help me grow.
Tory Ellis, over 9 years ago
The 7 steps are great tips for developing any kind of business! Great insight
Amit Rana, over 9 years ago
Hope every newbie reads it as it helped me get some input on building my real estate business network.
Jay Patel, over 9 years ago