"Coffee is for closers!"
I can't tell you how many "motivational" videos I have been subjected to working in call centers. Doing phone sales we have the idea pounded into our heads that our industry is a one call close. You want to sleep on it? Allow me to change your mind. You think our product is over priced? You won't when I'm done with you. I think you guys get the picture. "I am a champion!" Lets go out there and do this guys!!!
For whatever reason my first few months in Real Estate I was more lackadaisical in my approach. I would get a call, return it (sometimes if it sounded promising), and let them pick a time. This approach worked "great" until about 2 months in. I had a lead that we had been following up with regularly. He wanted 20k for house worth 60k. Hands down we could pay that. Asked if we could come out and see the house and he asked that we wait a month while he cleaned out a deceased relatives things. Sure. I'm a nice guy not a problem. Call him on the one month mark and set up a time to see it about a week out. In that week he gets another letter. That investor went out and saw it. Called him and closed it on the phone. What really hurt about this.... The seller left a voice mail stating, "I had another interested party and he took the initiative to drive by the property and make an offer. It was under what I wanted but fair so I accepted. Sorry for wasting your time."
About this time I posted a question about returning calls that seem pointless. You can go find it if you wish. I don't care to read it again as it was definitely some tough love. Long story short you guys set me straight and took the gloves off.
The moral of the story is take the initiative. Coffee is for closers. Nice guys finish last.
This one is actually fairly good.
Comments (7)
I had a similar experience about a month ago. Seller called me on a Monday and wanted me to come look at her house. I made the mistake of asking her what day would work best for her so that I could come by and look. She said Sunday afternoon so I agreed. I called her on Saturday to confirm the appointment only to hear her say she had accepted an offer on it earlier in the week. Still kicking myself for not setting something up right away.
Brian Dinkel, about 10 years ago
I wore my coffee is for closers shirt to my REIA meeting last night! AIDA!!!!!
Sean T., about 10 years ago
Ryan Dossey, about 10 years ago
Glengarry Glen Ross Baldwin speech is my favorite sales speech! It is great!!!!!
Ryan Billingsley, about 10 years ago
It is definitely entertaining. I chose not to post that or the Wolf of Wall Street clip. Figure if people look they can find them. I can't tell you how sick I am of those clips. Last company I worked for I saw all 3 probably every month.
Ryan Dossey, about 10 years ago
"I can't tell you how sick I am of those clips. Last company I worked for I saw all 3 probably every month."
ROFL I'd love to see their office
Max M., about 10 years ago
I personally like the Glengarry Glen Ross speech, but that's because it's fucking hilarious.
Max M., over 10 years ago