A guy threatened to shoot my staff and I over a letter...
Over the years I've sent 4-500,000+ pieces of mail for my own personal investment marketing. This has resulted in a few hundred deals with a great ROI.
Occasionally we get some "hate" from someone that's upset that they got a letter.
Normally it's a quick "take me off your list" call that ends amicably. On very rare occasions we've been offered a beating.
Last week, however, we had a gentleman call us 39 times, text a few dozen, and threaten to shoot our employees on multiple recorded calls. He even went so far as to tell us our address and what time he would be there.
We ultimately ended up looping in local law enforcement as the threat was specific and the man did NOT sound stable.
Interestingly enough, this was the 1st time we had ever sent the guy a letter. He also wasn't even on a niche' list of any kind. It was a simple owner with equity list.
I pity anyone else in Indianapolis who mails this "gentleman".