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Posted almost 15 years ago

Referrals the keys to success

As a company grows we have the tendency to forget where our best leads come from our existing clients.  We just conducted our quarterly review of our lead sources and were surprised to see that the majority of our leads came from existing and past clients.  It is vitally important to track all inbound calls with a simple question when anyone gets a call about your company, “How did you hear about Funding Approval?”  We take it even further for example, if they say the internet we ask which search engine, then follow up with what keywords did you use?  With this information not only will you learn that your past clients are your best customers you will also learn other key areas that you need to spend your marketing dollars on.We love our customers and we treat them with utmost respect and listen to their needs.  When you listen to your clients you will get their referrals.  I have had employees in the past ask me, “why do you spend so much time with a client that I know will not become a customer?”  At first I was shocked with such a question.  I thought about it then answered.  You never know who or when a prospect will become a customer.  If you treat everyone with respect and help them as much as you can and do not expect anything in return they will call you back or refer someone to our organization because we took the time to help them.In today’s world it is so easy to take the fast route.  Let’s remember to take the time to take care of our clients and the referrals will come in.To learn more about commercial loans visit


Comments (1)

  1. It is all about relationships . . . you nailed it!