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NARPM: Green Landlording Survey

Thursday, September 30

  Property Managers actively work on finding new ways to differentiate their services from the competition, we were interested to learn how many residential property managers see going green as a benefit.Going Green A small but growing demand from renters who are looking to live in an eco-frie...

FHA Reforms Shift The Game

Thursday, September 16

The coming FHA reforms will help stabilize FHA's financial viability. FHA will be allowed to raise premiums. The cap on the maximum annual FHA insurance premium increases from 0.5% to 1.5% and for loans with high loan To Value ratios, 0.55% to 1.55%. But the real importance is how the refor...

FHA Offers Short Refi Program For Underwater Homeowners

Wednesday, September 08

FHA Offers Short Refi Program For Underwater Homeowners In an effort to help responsible homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their property HUD adjusted its refinance program.  The changes will enable lenders to provide additional refinancing options to underwate...

The Stock Market Looks At Real Estate

Wednesday, August 25

Well, we all have heard the bad news, housing sales down again, hugely - 23% in the quarter. NAR reports that sales are at their lowest  since the  sales series launched in 1999, and single family sales are at the lowest level since May of 1995. And it doesnt look much better in the near term ...

Freddie Mac Mortgage Update: 30-Year, Mortgages Continue to Inch Downward

Saturday, August 21

30-year fixed-rate mortgage: Averaged 4.42 percent with an average 0.7 point for the week ending August 19, 2010, down from last week when it averaged 4.44 percent. Last year at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 5.12 percent. The 15-year fixed-rate mortgage: Averaged a record low o...

Freddie Mac Weekly Update: All Rates But 1-Year ARM Hit Record Lows

Thursday, June 24

30-year fixed-rate mortgage: Averaged 4.69 percent with an average 0.7 point for the week ending June 24, 2010, down from last week when it averaged 4.75 percent. Last year at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 5.42 percent. The 15-year fixed-rate mortgage: Averaged 4.13 percent wi...