This is how we are starting to grow
I find it amazing to be in this business of real estate. There are so many niche's and techniques, yet, we do what fits our lifestyle. Our business has started out as a wholesaler and slowly but surely we are starting to grow-a little. We went from wanting to get into this business to actually doing deals-thanks to our business partner and mentor. Having someone to bounce ideas off of and someone to guide you in your process is without words. I could not imagine trying to do this all alone. I guess that is why so many of us say that this is a people business. It takes those around us who have gone before us to really guide and direct us "newbies".
To be honest, I have been doing this just over a year now. However, I still consider myself to be new. I am still learning and by no means do I have it all figured out. Maybe when I am a hundred years old! Seriously, I am really learning the more I get into this that I still have so much to figure out.
My point of the blog is really to put down in writing the real day-to-day happenings for Solid Rock Houses. We were lucky enough to find a great website provider through BiggerPockets, who endorsed this company. Our new website is so much better than what we have created in the past, and better yet, we are getting one-on-one support to guide us in the new digital world of social media. Again, people need people. We could not do this alone. You can check out our new website here: Solid Rock Houses If you like our site and want a site like ours using a company that has been created by fellow BiggerPockets members then check out Danny Johnson's website building company: Lead Propeller
Today, May 11 2015 we have been awarded an Accreditation with the Better Business Bureau. This is just such an honor for us, and we know that we are to be held to a higher standard than just some company out there trying to make money. We truly want to help people. Example:
I had a potential seller who owes more than we are able to pay for his property call me. He is 82 years of age he told me and said that he received a notice about the grass at one of his rental properties that is almost four states away is going to have a weed violation. He called me somewhat frantic asking me if I knew someone that can help. You should know that I suffer from Hay Fever and mowing in Indiana can be hazardous to my health (which is why I do what I do). So, I told him that even though I cannot pay him what he owes on his property I will help him out by finding someone who can mow his grass. I called our people who do our landscaping and they are going to help us with this one. Taadaa!
I am just so proud to be able to help others, even when the numbers just do not work-it feels good to do the right thing. Who knows, maybe I might run into someone who will buy his house. Solving people's problems is one of the greatest rewards I am finding in life. As the famous quote by Zig Ziglar says: "If you help enough people get what they want, then you will get what you want." Maybe I will or maybe I will not get this deal, but at least I am helping out another investor who did not do so well on his investment. I personally know what it is like to get kicked while I am down. Sometimes it takes just that one person to give us a hand to keep us from giving up.
I also learned lately that an open mouth gets fed. Last week I started talking to a seller who has a property in a "B" neighborhood. It is in really good condition, and he wants to sell. Now, this would not really be such a great wholesale deal because it is a little nicer than some of the houses that we work with. I asked the seller if he would be willing to do seller financing and to my surprise he said he would. You see, in my market most landlords want cheaper houses to invest in. The buyers I know want a $20,000-$30,000 house that they can rent out at $700 a month. This house is worth more like $70,000-$80,000 "as-is" and may only rent for $800 a month. This market has it all but in my experience most buyers want a cheaper house, and with cheaper property taxes. The subject property I am talking about has a tax bill of around $1242 each year. This is actually pretty high for this area. So, this will be a perfect flip in our opinion. With seller financing we do not have to use a Hard Money Lender! Yes! I can use my own money for the little bit of rehab this one will need and list this myself thanks to my mentor advising me to obtain my real estate license. This was like getting a gold bar in the form of advice.
You never know what is possible until you just get out there and start getting into the conversation. Sometimes things come together and sometimes they do not. I think it is important to just stay the course, and not give up. We did not have a single deal last month (partly because we were on vacation) so I know that is in the past. I am in a new month, with new opportunities, and new challenges. I like the new big juicy problems that I have now. Problems are healthy. It means we are starting to grow and spread our wings. We may not be perfect but we are not going to give up. Imagine yourself doing what you never thought possible, and see your very dreams come to life!
Comments (2)
@Stephen Barton
thanks for sharing
good luck in the future
Mark Brogan, almost 10 years ago
Thank you for mentioning me @Mark Brogan. Good luck to you as well!
Stephen Barton, almost 10 years ago