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Posted about 15 years ago

The Secret About Experts Part 1

I am very good at apearing to be an expert.  More than that, I am very good at becoming an expert.  I'm an expert marketer. I'm an expert at sales automation. 

Nine monthes ago I wasn't.  I didn't know good copy from bad. I didn't know how to set up a double opt in mailing list. Couldn't tell you what CPA meant. Had no idea how to research keywords and I hated spam because it cluttered my inbox.

 Now I hate spam because it is poorly executed.

How did I become an expert?  I read a lot of books.  I got involved in forums.  I did a quick bit a of research and found out who were the best paid marketers and read every piece of their copy I could find, bought their information products, and when the oppurtunity came up I picked their brain's about everything I could think of.

None of that made me an expert.

Then I learned a secret that did make me an expert. 

I learned that I knew enough; and I put my knowledge to work.

That made me an expert.

None of my client's care there are literally thousands of copywriters that are better than I am.  Nor do they care that I subcontract out webdesign and coding work because I suck at it.

They care that I know things they don't.  They care I use that knowledge to cut their costs and increase their sales.  To them I'm not an expert, I'm the expert.





Comments (1)

  1. Well put...Nothing worse than an expert who is only good and becoming an expert... I've been guilty of that "Getting ready to get ready" a few too many times.