101 Ways to Make Money in Real Estate (Introduction) not in any order!
I know the list on how to make money can be far larger than 101 ways, easily. But, my wife asked me the other day, in how many ways can we make some extra money. My initial response was to work hard not smart. Take a part time J-O-B, have a garage sale, sell items online through websites like eBay, Craigslist, etsy, Amazon, and so forth. Hard not smart; sure these things get you some extra money. But in reality, they won't help you obtain a secure financial future.
Hours later I was working in my shop, and realized that I messed up. Big Time! I missed the golden opportunity to convince my wife to work smart, and work towards financial security. So I went back to my wife and this is what I said:
Me: Hey Babe! You remember that question you asked me earlier about making more money? I just thought of a smarter way to do so! (Breaking out a can opener right about now)
Her: Yeah, how? (She had her oh god look. You know the one where your wife thinks that you are up to something she isn't going to like)
Me: Two words, Real Estate! (In one swipe with the proverbial can opener, I had opened my can of worms and they flew everywhere!)
She gave her standard responses to everything That I ever told her that I am doing, want to do, and have done. You know them well as...."You need this, you have got to have that, we can't do that, how can we afford..." and so on.
After our typical conversation played out I decided I would write out a list of at least 100 ways or more to make real money using real estate for her. I decided that I would write out the steps to each way to making money, give her not only the pros, but the pitfalls as well, and explain to her why we should and shouldn't do each one.
Why the should and shouldn't do?
The one thing that I've learned that I never ever want to do; is mislead my wife. I tried one time to hide my dream truck payments from her ($780 a month-4 year note @6.9%-A 2012 Toyota Tundra Dallas Cowboys Custom Edition). I had financed the truck through my credit union in my name only, and used a personal loan for the down payment and then got a lower interest short term loan on my marginal credit at the time. I used automatic withdrawals for my payments and had it deducted bi-weekly. So the personal loan payment was $135.00 bi weekly and the truck payment was $255.00 bi weekly. She never saw the paperwork or the money.
This worked great for about a year, then she started doing the math on all our payments. Ther are days when I still can see the steam that came from her on the day she figured it out. I have since downsized the truck to a Tacoma, learned from the errors of not telling her all the details. And still three years later, she won't let me do anything financially without saying something about that truck. I really think she is starting to get over it...I didn't get punched the last time she mentioned it.
So now anytime, I mention anything that is related to spending $1000s of dollars, I must disclose everything to her. I mean everything, including all the fine print and can tell her any and all "hidden" fees and charges, etc. Pricing, APR, APY, Amortization Schedules, daily rate charges, late fees, return check fees. To me it is quite comical every time I pull out my blue binder. She instantly asks "What are you trying to buy this time, that I'm going to say no too?"
It's like I am pitching a business proposal to a bank each time I would like to complete a transaction. Which in a way is a great learning experience for me. I now have documentation on everything she is ok with and everything she doesn't like. Yes, my wheels are turning.... I have unintentionally learned over the last three or so years, more than I ever thought possible, about real estate; specifically how to make money in real estate.
A large part of my educational process was through BP, asking questions on the forums, listening to podcasts, and reading blogs, hours and hours of reading. So, I figured I would share what I have learned, open myself up and get outside of my comfort zone, and assist others in learning from my successes and failures in 101 different ways. At the same time, educating my wife, so I can stop with the freaking business plans I give her. I am committing myself to write 101 more blog post over the course of the next two years (one a week), to share with and give back to the BP community and most importantly to educate my wife even further. In hopes to dissuade her from thinking I have gone absolutely insane.