Hey Millennials... What's the deal?
This Just In... I have recently discovered, I am.....
I know I know. I didn't quite believe it myself. However, according to the all mighty Google a millennial is someone born between 1982-2004.
So as a millennial I would like to ask other millennial this question. Whats the deal?
You may have heard me start this topic on the last email I sent but we're going to pick it back up here. I recently attended a Note Mastermind in my hometown of Cape Coral (Whoop Whoop). This mastermind was filled with over 60 investors and included veterans and newbies to the real estate investing world. In the mastermind we talked about deal sources, procedures and regulations within the industry as well as the day to day tasks we dealt with in our business. Now this is my second mastermind I have been to and I was shocked at one thing.
There were only 2 millennial in the group and I was one of them. So this got me thinking. Why aren't more young-ins jumping on the financial freedom bandwagon? I can equate it to only one thing. Financial intelligence isn't a course offered in schools.
However, we live in a society that has a wealth of information available at our fingertips. Join a mastermind, attend a REIA meeting if real estate is your investment vehicle, network with like minded individuals and dive into the ridiculous numbers of resources on the internet.
Now I know it all seems confusing and our day to day lives are already jam packed with enough but if your hoping to keep your head afloat in your retirement years your going to have to think about it sometime. I had to put my excuse book to the side and get serious about investing and my future too. What I found for my financial future is that I have an investment vehicle that is not only producing high returns but offering the chance to change lives and circumstances for people who have fell under water by investing in their distressed notes. How could I not want to share this?
Most people think they don't have enough funds to invest but you would be quite surprised. There was a millennial at the mastermind who is in his early 20's. He recently bought a note in California for $2000. Each month he now receives a check for $200 for the life of the loan! I know for one that extra $200 a month would pay off my car payments nicely. Notes come in all price ranges so its important to not count yourself out if you're not coming to table with guns blazing. Don't have enough time? That is why there is people like me. I joint venture with clients who are wanting the cash flow but not wanting to deal with any of the nuisances. Each quarter they receive a check in the mail. There are other exit strategies available if you're not wanting to be in a long term investment.
My point to all of this is that your future is coming. It's time we millennial step up to the plate and look past tomorrow. Allow your money to work for you and invest it! When you're ready to get serious email me at [email protected] or call me at 239.233.5163. I would be happy to help in any way I can.