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Posted almost 14 years ago

Fraudulent Investment Groups

I knew it just a matter of time that FUNDSGO was shut down as a fraudulent website praying on those looking for investors. Before them it was the NEW YORK INVESTMENT NETWORK. You don't get something for nothing these sites claim to have a network of investors with money to invest and typically you can become a member with no fees however once you post your project and monies needed you are flooded with investors claiming to have an interest in your project and monies for you, however these emails are created by the website staff. They are very clever and they seem creditable promising monies, the catch is you have to become a paying member with a one time fee of $200-$250 then you can make contact with the investor. They get very creative with the emails to try and get your money.

Now there may be some legit sites out there but be careful, if you have to pay to make contact with an investor, walk away.


Comments (4)

  1. I don't know the "right way" to find investors however the safest way is to work your "personal" network within the comunity where you live. Make posts in your local media "looking for investors". To enable a business relationship you must meet "face to face" and establish trust and creditability.

  2. Phillip best way to find investors is to do just that you find them. Or get partners that can find them with you.

  3. I have been on the Fundsgo site and it seemed to be above board. Can you name and sites that help fund seekers find investors. I am looking to own my own coin laundry. There are plenty here in south florida for sale do to retirment, that are making substantial net profit. If only I could find the right investor to back me.

  4. This makes it a lot harder for folks trying to do it the right way! We don't "pray" (prey?) on our investors and try to make sure things are done per non-existent SEC guidelines.