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Posted about 15 years ago

I'm All a Twitter!

I'm All a Twitter....

I'm all a ' clients are too...despite some stats I've read that only 25% of the US population even knows what Twitter is. I would venture to guess that almost 100% of my clients either tweet or follow me on .

If you have no clue what I'm talking about, go to and check out it out. It's basically a social network that allows folks to stay in touch in real time through short messages via any device that has Internet access.

How do I communicate with my buyers and sellers using Twitter?
  • There is a link on my website that keeps folks up to date on my schedule for the day. I do my best to return phone calls within 10 minutes. If I don't return a call, you can easily go to the Twitter link on or follow me directly on Twitter and see why;
  • Great Finds is another useful tool...I preview dozens of homes each week....I can easily attach a photo or video while I'm at the property. Since inventory is low at the moment, it's a speedy tool to get prospective buyers into a home and into contract if it's right for them.
  • Realtor Life...I try to update what I'm doing throughout the day. In addition to meetings, classes, signings, previewing homes, listing presentations and more...the fact that I am a musician (guitar, fiddle, mandolin, vocals) and a squash addition to playing on the Atomic Fireballs kickball team, seems to makes me relatable - according to my clients!

Consumers have dozens of choices when it comes to hiring a Realtor to either buy or sell a home. My goal is to be accessible to my clients at least 19 hours a day. (A girl needs her sleep....and no, I do not sleep with my iPhone near my bed!)

Tools like Twitter allow me to keep in touch in virtually real time with my clients....while at the same time allowing me to spend more face time with them.

Looking for a Realtor that communicates quickly and efficiently - and gets the job done in a fun professional manner? Give me a call - I'm here to help!


Comments (2)

  1. can link to my Twitter account by clicking on "my status" in the gree sidebar on the left of this blog. Or at Thanks for commenting!

  2. Cindi - I've read your post twice, but still can't find any link to your Twitter account. Am I missing something?