Door Knocking...Not That Scary
My team leader in my Real Estate business has basically built his business door knocking. He invited me to come along Saturday so I did.
His philosophy is this, and I completely agree, Go out for an hour or less and knock on a few doors in the neighborhood. That way it does not get to be a chore. If you get some momentum then you end up staying out longer anyway.
We knocked on about 10 doors and got one listing. It works.
People were nice in general and here is why. We went in with the attitude that we were just going to have a conversation. We introduced ourselves as the Realtors who just recently sold a house in their neighborhood and we were letting them know who we were. If the conversation did not go well we simply gave them a one page flier and our business card and moved on.
The listing was someone who was thinking of moving and jumped at the chance. We spoke with her and her family for at least 30 minutes and let the conversation meander. She kept bringing it back to her house. It was really easy.
I will be going door knocking in my farm area once this week in the evening and once on the weekend. I will keep you posted.
Comments (5)
Abram Ylitalo, over 10 years ago
Andrew how did this go? I'm very interested in this form of creating leads/sales/clients!
Abram Ylitalo, over 10 years ago
Were you knocking on the doors of those in foreclosure or some other criteria? My experience has been pretty mixed with those who are behind on their mortgage.
Andrew Syrios, over 10 years ago
Andrew how did this go? I'm very interested in this form of creating leads/sales/clients!
Abram Ylitalo, over 10 years ago
we got some leads for sure, actually we eventually hired someone to do it for us (such people aren't easy to find). All in all, it was a good source of prospects but it certainly didnt open the floodgates or anything like that.
Andrew Syrios, over 10 years ago