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Posted about 15 years ago

Progress is slow?

Although I've gotten started, which is a good thing, it seems that progress has slowed a bit? Why? I think because when you start out making small steps, and achieve certain goals you set for your self, those small victories don't seem like enough anymore? You want bigger and bigger successes (no matter how small they REALLY are). It tends to feel like you accomplished nothing, instead patting yourself on the back for continued progress, no matter how small. Progress is still porgress, right?. I think the leasson learned is to keep going, not matter how slow you "think" your moving, your still moving. 

To up-date, I've added a few more "qualified" buyers to my list. While I'm still looking for buyers, I'm concentrating on looking for motivated sellers, and potential deals now.

My direct mail campaign has started. EVERY night, I get at least 20-25 done. I'm doing them myself to save on some cash. Addressing, stuffing, sealing, and stamping. Local and out of town owners of SFH and multi's, and vacants are getting letters. In 2-3 weeks I'll follow up with a post card. Haven't decided where to have them made, and what they shoulds look like yet, but I'll get there. I've read many good posts on this subject from the REAL investors on this very site, so thank you for that.

One thing I haven't done much of is build my team. Tomorrow I'm calling a referred RE attorney, and title companies. Not only for obvious reasons, but to see if I can't get my hands on a few lists. The cross referencing out of the tax assessors office is time comsuming. I've also placed an "we buy houses" ad in a little local paper ($5 a week). Cheap, and who knows, it's worth a shot for that money. I'm still considering bandit signs.

I like to think I'm prety good on the phone. Stockbroker for 5 years. Selling intangibles to someone 3000 miles away..that's difficult. Talking to prospective buyers and sellers, to me, that's easy. I could have conversation with a light post. But calling "for rent" signs has been pretty fruitless.

Just have to keep plugging. One of the biggest enemies in this game is frustration. Thinking your not doing enough? Weird huh?





Comments (10)

  1. Village green...I played that course. Small world. Where are you buying around here? Any specific area? What's your criteria? Should I keep you in mind if I see something interesting/fits your criteria?

  2. Norm, I know Baldwinsville. I currently have a condo for sale there in Village Green off of the golf course. Yes I am looking to buy. I have an offer I just put in on a foreclosure yesterday. Chris

  3. Yes Will..slow but sure I guess. Yes Syracuse is only 2 1/2 hrs or so away. Been there many times. I also have a friend that lives there that I visit often. Baldwinsville I believe. GO ORANGE??? Or at least that's what I hear EVERY time I go there? Are you buying/bought any property here?

  4. Hey Norm. It looks like your not located too far from me! I am located here in Syracuse. Chris

  5. Good for you Norm, keep up the great work. Looks like you are getting a bit closer.

  6. I have a pretty good list of buyers I think are serious. I spent some time with them on the phone, and generally you can tell who's serious and who isnt. I guess we'll see when it comes time for purchase? Also as an up-date, I had a call from one of my mailers. She just listed the house with a realtor. Just wants to get out of the business pretty much. Going to take a look at it tomorrow. Not sure if anything will come of it but who know's maybe she has something else to sell. AND I had a call from the "we buy houses" ad I ran. The BEST part? It's directly next door to my duplex! What are the chances? Have to call that one back tomorrow. I was supposed to go look at a 3 unit tomorrow, but found out it was sold already. Crap, I know this area, only 16 days on the market. Seller told me he'd call back if the deal fell through..oh well. Anyway, seems like the ball is starting to roll...fingers are crossed...

  7. Norm, I read you stuff around here and it looks like you are working hard, which is very key in this business. How is your funding? That is really the most important component.

  8. equity is a funny word these days, you'll more than likely have to create that equity unless you do end up getting lucky and finding a seller with equity.

  9. I always heard "find owners with equity"? HOW THE F@#K do you do that? Where is this info found? My tax assessors office doesn't have this info? Thanks for the info Nick. I'll look them up.

  10. thats funny you mention chatting up a light post, I'm the exact same way. check out they're giving away 25 small econoboard signs for free, all you pay for is shipping. My first order I got away with 200 signs, I tried it again and they caught me and said I can only order 1 (25 package) at a time LOL Either way, keep rockin! it'll happen for you.