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Posted about 15 years ago

Up-date and Question

Today was a very productive day.

(Played golf early) After that went to look at the house that called from my mailers. Decent duplex, needs up-dating. Especially heating situation. A gas on gas stove is the lowers heating source? The owner thought that was alright??? Basically all she's done to it is a new roof and 6 windows. It's a page right out of the 60's. Possible wholesale or lease-option are the exit stratagies. The house definitely has possibilites. She's owned it since 1968!! 

Came home and called a lead from my "I buy houses" ad ($5 a week paper...sweet!!). Have a definite appt. Monday at 10am. Seller is definitely motivated. He bought the house cash with some small settlement he got. I'll check, but I believe he's behind on the water bill, garbage tax etc...No mortgage that I know of. I made this guy a low ball offer last year, 5k, he baulked at it. Don't ya know he's calling my ad a year later?? I did it because he's a crack head, and I wanted him off the street. This could benefit everyone. Obviously myself, but also the people who live on the street. They all know and complain about him. I already have an idea of an offer.

After that wrote out mailers for 2 hours. They're already at the post office. Called 2 FSBO's. Might get to see one of them Monday. Plus possibly one more. Then I decided to send a few of my buyers an e-mail, going over their criteria, making small talk, and dropping a hint that something might be in the works. I also called and spoke with one of them. Nice guy, wants to have coffee sometime. Told him too something might be in the works. he said "let me know" (I guess a bit of customer relations).

That isn't even the best part. A guy I've been trying to get a hold of, finally answered his phone. Could be a nice deal. He's busy this week, but said we can get together next week to get a look at it. I tried to contact him last year about this house and failed. Could never get a hold of him. He said to a neighbor in the past, if he could get 70k for it he'd probably take it. I have comps of 139,134, and 125. The 125 was not in good shape. We had a very nice conversation.

So THEN, I called a friend of mine to see why he wasn't playing golf tomorrow. He made some excuses as to why, then it came out. He's letting his house go! Yes, into foreclosure! He's literally packing as we speak. Getting ready to move. He NEVER made mention of it before? My QUESTION is...He says he's hasn't paid his mortgage in 6-7 months. He said "he thinks" he seen something about a foreclosure noitce? Based on how many payments behind, can you tell approx. how far along in the process he is? I was thinking a short sale? I believe he's up-side down? Anyway I told him to call the bank and see how far along exactly in the foreclosure process they are. Any thoughts in handling this situation? Thank you.

Geeez, I've literally been "working" today since 12 noon, it's 9:38 pm as I'm writing this. It's been a busy Saturday. Time for a shower.




Comments (11)

  1. Oh and Nick J. has been helping me out with a possible Short Sale. This is a plug for him, he KNOWS his sh#t! Anyone needs questions answered about Sub 2's or short sales...Nick J. is your man. Thank you Nick for all your help.

  2. Yes, one under contract. Working this week to get it sold. Have slacked a bit. My mother was in the hospital, so I was a bit pre-occupied with that, and a few other personal things. But getting back at it this week a bit more "full bore" again. Still sending out mailers. Bandit signs are in place (that's where the deal under contract came from). Following up on a few other leads, and still have to make a few more offers this week. Again, I'm a little pi$$ed at myself for slacking, but MOM comes first. She's ok now, and back home, so that's good. Also, I'm having more knee surgery. August 25 to be exact. So I'll have a WHOLE lot more time to "Make it Happen" (Hope the Gladiator doesn't sue me for a copywrite DEFINITELY getting back into the swing of things. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've still been getting calls and researching values, and looking at properties in between running back and forth to the hospital. So that's the story with me. How are you doing? The Granada Hills house looks nice, I checked it out on your site. Nice job.

  3. Norm, have you contracted a deal yet? Where are you at in your efforts?

  4. Hey Candice, check my profile and shoot me an e-mail

  5. WHOOO 2 last names now!!

  6. IT CAN"T BE!!!!!! Is that you CANDICE

  7. Are you the Norm Chrostowski from Buff N.Y?

  8. Again Nick, thank you. I'll be looking into this after my appts on Monday. Could a signing of a contract be in the works??? Don't know, we'll see!!

  9. feel free to PM me if needed, I can walk you through the short sale step by step.

  10. It does. Just seems like things (no matter how small) are starting to happen. That's the first thing that came to mind. I'll have to look into it Monday. He says he doesn't care what I do with it! We'll see if the bank cooperates? Thanks for the info. Don't go to far, I might have more questions ; )

  11. it looks like you're making some real progress! You can find out if the NOD has been filed by checking the recorders office. Even though he's that far behind it doesn't mean they've (the lender) filed a NOD yet. Either way if he's upside down it's a great opportunity to short his house and make a buck. Keep up the hard work! you're bound to cash a check soon