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Posted about 5 years ago

Meeting with a syndicator and looking at more apartment in San Antonio

So I headed back to San Antonio today to meet with another syndicator and look at some property. Now that I've spoken to more operators I wanted to look at their property in San Antonio to compare what they have. It's always interesting to see the deals that some people want and other people reject. Although in some cases they all want the deal and only one of them gets it.

The syndicator meeting was incredibly helpful. He showed me some of his spreadsheets on deals that he's currently working on and I like his business model. It's very similar to what I do in single family in terms of he has an assistant and then just has independent contractors for everything else. He doesn't want to go to the office and "Be the boss". 

I feel the same way and am glad it seems possible in this space. He showed me a pretty simple three step plan to go from being a passive investor to being a sponsor. He said it's very doable in a year and I agree. At the very least, I'm going to find out!!

The property search was also interesting. Most of them had a similar feel. The ones in better locations tended to be a little older while the nicer ones were a little more isolated. I only looked at four so I'll be curious to see how some of the other ones on my list look.

I have more meetings and calls scheduled for next week. I'm really enjoying this and everyone has been really nice and helpful.
