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Posted about 15 years ago

Real Estate Wealth Building Begins Today!

This is a great time to invest in real estate.  The residential real estate market has some unique dynamics that the United States has never seen before, making this the perfect time to buy residential properties for either short term or long term wealth building.

Prices have fallen dramatically from the highs of two years ago, even in areas that were previously thought to be immune from price drops.  While this may be unsettling to some people, smart investors know that when the market is at a low point – that is the time to buy.  Bargains abound!  When you “buy right”, you can experience short term cashflow benefits as well as long-term wealth building benefits.

Secondly, there is a glut of bank-owned properties on the market.  Banks own these properties because they were foreclosures that were not resolved.  Banks are not in the business of holding real estate, and to unload them quickly, prices are reduced sharply! Many homes can be bought for pennies on the dollar. In fact, the challenge is not in finding an excellent investment, the challenge is to wade through the numerous potential investments and sort them out to find the ones that are a perfect match for your situation.  Every real estate investor who wants to build wealth has a different tolerance for risk, different timelines, and varying cash flow needs.  [We] are here to match you up with an investment that meets your goals.

Believe it or not, there are many properties available that have immediate positive cash flow, which is something that was hard to find just a few short years ago.  When you have positive cash flow, it doesn’t really matter how quickly or slowly the property value is appreciating because the cashflow is the major benefit, although there are numerous tax benefits as well.  We feel that the market in most of the country is definitely at a bottom. While this can’t be guaranteed, we are seeing a trend of large institutional investors returning to real estate, which is always a sure sign that it is a great time for individual investors to jump in and begin building their real estate portfolio.

Real estate is still the single greatest wealth building tool that has ever been created.  While it may seem a bit daunting to build a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio, we can help you do it the right way, step by step, one property at a time.  We also have great partnerships with reliable lenders to help you finance that perfect property.  So do some market research, and talk with us about your investing goals and needs, and let us show you some specific properties that you could this month buy to create long term wealth.  There has never been a better time!
