Yellow Letter Mailings
In addition to my website (www.LRPrivateNoteBuyer.com), my Facebook page, my Bigger Pockets presence, and my relationships with note brokers, note creators (investors), and realtors, I am trying a new tactic in order to find more note sellers: Yellow Letter Mail (www.yellowlettermail.com).
Yes, these are the same letters that you might have received as a property owner - "I buy houses" or "I want to buy your apartment."
My first wave of mailers will target a smaller Trust Deed state. My first query found 445 names of seller-carry back note holders. If past results from other types of mailers is any indication, with 4 waves of mailings my contact rate should be somewhere between 2 to 9%. 2% would be good (better than nothing), while 9% would be great.
I'll keep everyone posted. Once again, thank you to Michael Quarles for providing a great service.