6 Ways to Ensure Your Candlewood Waterfront Home Is Kid-Friendly
6 Ways to Ensure Your Candlewood Waterfront Home Is Kid-Friendly
If you want your property to sell fast, your Candlewood Lake waterfront home for sale should be a haven. Buyers must see that it is the one place where their children will be protected from harm. Young children can spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors, so a healthy home environment is important. Here are some ways to keep your home kid-friendly:
1. Test for radon
Have your Candlewood waterfront home for sale tested for radon. This radioactive gas is believed to be the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. You cannot see or smell radon so you will not know if you are being exposed without testing for it. Approximately, one in 15 homes has a high level of radon. An inexpensive test kit is available at home improvement stores. If your levels are high, you'll need to have a certified radon-mitigation contractor install a piping system to vent the gas out from under your home.
2. Use safety gates
Safety gates can help prevent falls down stairs and can keep children away from dangerous areas. Choose safety gates that children cannot dislodge easily, but can be opened and closed by adults without difficulty. For the top of stairs, gates that screw to the wall are more preferred since they are more secure than pressure gates.
3. Be prepared for fire
Kids ages 5 and younger are likely to get trapped in a fire because it’s hard for them to escape on their own. It’s important to have a smoke alarm on every floor of your waterfront home in Candlewood Lake, including the basements as well as outside and inside every bedroom. Test the fire alarms monthly. You should also have one multipurpose fire extinguisher for every 600 square feet of living space.
4. Prepare emergency numbers
Create a list of emergency numbers to keep near your telephone. Below are some numbers to include:
- Police
- Fire department
- Local children’s hospital and family doctor
- Ambulance
- Poisons Information Center
5. Use corner and edge bumpers
Corner and edge bumpers can be used to prevent injuries from falls against sharp edges of furniture and fireplace. They can soften falls against sharp or rough edges. Choose bumpers that stay securely on furniture and hearth edges.
6. Use door alarms
Safety is particularly important around waterfront homes or homes with a pool. Consider door alarms to keep your wandering children and toddlers safe.