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Posted about 15 years ago

Stay on target

Getting so close now. Carpets went in today. That made a big difference and gets a bunch of rooms finished. Just need to finish up in the kitchen, baths, some work outside and general cleanup.

Baths need to get the toilets and vanities back in. Worked on that a while Thursday night, but ended up not being able to complete any of it. I was missing some little something on every piece. Sheesh! Another trip to home depot for $100 of "misc". Someday I'll learn to properly account for all this lagniappe in the budget.

Since the carpet layers were there today, I did some outside stuff and stayed out of their way. One of the chores was to haul trash to the dump. We had some stuff around our house, too that needed to go, so I figured I could kill two birds. Ended up being two trips at $83 apiece. Marginally cheaper than a dumpster. I paid $205 for a nine yard roll off last time I rented one, and this was 12 yards. Also cut down the dead tree in the yard.

Started finishing up the kitchen. The counters were installed Thursday morning, and look very good. They cut the larger one about a quarter of an inch bigger than it should have been and the fridge is a very tight fit. Good news is the counter installers helped get it from the garage to the kitchen. Tried to get the sink back up and running after the carpet layers finished, but, of course, was a couple of fittings short. Hopefully, I have all the bits needed to finish up the sink and baths tomorrow.

Comments (4)

  1. OMG!! Jon, I've made so many trips to Home Depot, that the workers knew me by name, and were asking me if I wanted an application!! I joked with them that I could tell them where things were better than they's always something. Also it's hard to plan for ALL the little things needed. My last receipt count was somewhere near 70 at last check! I got lucky with my dumpster. It happened to be "big garbage week" on the block, so I paid 4 kids $20 each to clean out the apartment and load it in on the front dumpster needed!! Savings about $220 (dumpster cost $300-$80 to kids.)...The next week I had more. So I loaded it on the front lawn and waited for the garbage guys. When they arrived, I went out there with a ten dollars bill, and said "hey guys I appreciate it, here's ten, go get your self a six pack on me". From that day on they take what ever I put out...10 scoots goes a long way.

  2. Yep, this is the one with the yard issue. I'm going to plant some grass seed. I've been waiting to do this because there's too much tromping through the yard, and the sprinklers need some repairs. I'm going to try to get some pictures today.

  3. I'm looking forward to the pics!

  4. Was this the same property that you were concerned with what kind of grass Jon? isn't it always the little nickel and dime things that will break ya