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Posted about 15 years ago

Stopping a Trustee Sale

THE BEST CHOICE We are a seasoned group of experts with over 25 years combined in dealing with lenders nationwide. We work directly with the Lenders Foreclosure Dept. to assist you with your current situation. Why are we the best choice? 1st. of all you do NOT need legal representation or file BK to stop a Trustee Sale. Most attorneys can assist in stopping the sale; usually that’s where it ends. ATTORNEY REPRESENTATION?Most attorneys will suggest a BK (Chapter 13) that’s the worst thing you can do to stop the sale of your home. – Your Options- KEEPING YOUR HOMEIf you choose to keep the home we can assist you in representing the borrower with lenders in regards to: lowering your mortgage payments, your interest rate, giving you a fixed rate for 30 years. GIVING BACK YOUR HOME/ THE CORRECT WAYOnce the Trustee sale has been stopped; and you do not wish to keep the home, we will put the property back on the market as a short sale.The benefits of a short sale: You can qualify to purchase another home within 24 months. DEED IN LIEU OF FORCLOSURE: VERY IMPORTANTA Deed in Lieu of foreclosure (DIL) is a disposition option in which a mortgagor voluntarily deeds collateral property in exchange for a release from all obligations under the mortgage.Lots of folks think that a deed in lieu of foreclosure is the way to go. But there are several things you must know about deed in lieu.First, it is plain rare for a lender to accept a deed in lieu. They figure that they might as well go through the foreclosure process. Why? Because they get a cleaner deed than they do if they do a deed in lieu. They avoid any other junior liens that may be on the house. If you have a second trust deed, or a judgment, or some other lien that will go away from the house when the foreclosure goes to sale. So the lender prefers foreclosure, actually.Second, deed in lieu is no better for your credit. It will look like a foreclosure. So you aren't helping yourself with a deed in lieu.Bottom line is you should probably forget about deed in lieu and instead pursue a short sale.WE ARE HERE TO HELP “OUR GUARANTEE!” In order to assist you we would need the following information.  Name of Mortgage LenderProperty AddressName of Borrower With this information we guarantee the stop of your Trustee Sale in 48Hr turnaround Time.We have a good repor with Lenders and we guarantee you will be 100% satisfied. GIVE US A CALL Contacts  María De La CruzTrustee Sales/Short Sales(626) 388-3353 Freddie AvilaLoan Modification/General info.(310) 400-4402 Salvador CortezExpert Realtor(323) 253-1007 SITE LAUNCH 06/08/
