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Posted almost 15 years ago

Five Guidelines for Outsourcing Your Social Media Marketing

Am I the only one who has noticed all the social media marketing experts that are appearing on a daily basis? It's almost as if that's become the job for those who have become unemployed, suddenly create a Twitter account and a Facebook account and you are now a social media marketing expert. It is very similar to when Frontpage came out and everyone became web designers. Look, I'm all for free enterprise and entrepreneurship and creating your own empires. What I'm not for is small businesses being taken advantage of by those who claim to be experts, but have no clue of how to market a business using social media marketing methods. This is the reason I write articles that give businesses guidelines that they can go by when selecting marketing firms to outsource to. This week I focus on guidelines you can use when selecting a social media marketing expert or firm. This all started at a business lunch last week. I was speaking with a business owner and he asked me "Chris, what if I want to outsource my social media marketing, I see the benefits, but I simply don't have the time. What should I look for?" Great question, as I mentioned earlier in this post truth is in today's economy when people become unemployed they immediately entitle themselves as "social media experts." A social media expert is a person who does more than sit and eat Cheetos, while watching Jerry Springer and tweet all day. There are many out there that claim to be social media experts, there are few out there that can prove they are worthy of this title, so let me see if I can help. Take a few moments and review the five guidelines that I provided to you regarding outsourcing your social media marketing. I think this will help you when it comes to outsourcing a social media marketing expert or firm and ensure that you are selecting someone who has the skills and experience to get you the results you desire.

Comments (2)

  1. I agree with Josh. I am by no means an expert but it's fun to write an article or a blog and drive traffic to it. It takes some time but I don't think that is something I'd be willing to outsource. I outsource my article writing b/c I have horrible grammar and spelling and my writer(OZ here on BP) does an amazing job. I outsource many parts of my investing business. I just can't come to terms to outsource any social media marketing. I know that Harrison Painter is now doing some marketing and I would consider him to do it for me but only b/c I trust him. I don't think that kind of trust should be earned so easily.

  2. I think that outsourcing your social media marketing is flat-out a BAD idea. No matter how much screening you do, the bottom line is that people who you outsource this job to will NEVER have the insight required to do an adequate job in representing you or your company. One caveat - if they are true experts in your field of expertise, then they can certainly help get the word out, but they will not be able to share your personal touch - something required for success in social media. Here's an article that covers all of my thoughts on the matter: <a href="">Your Reputation is at Stake. Will You Trust the Lowest Bidder?</a>