Protect Your Property: Five Common Electric Problems to Look Out For
Only the simplest electrical repairs should be trusted to a DIYer. “Any time you feel that there is a problem with an electrical system or appliance, you can benefit from calling an electrician,” explains Electrician 904. Other problems need the attention of a professional electrician. Here are six common electric problems to look out for:
1. Aluminum Wiring
In many places, aluminum wiring is in violation of code. This is because aluminum is far more subject to damage than copper wiring. Old houses and properties may still have aluminum wiring. Investigate and hire an electrician if you need to change the aluminum wiring.
2. Cracked or Worn Cords
These cords are fire hazards and need to be replaced as soon as possible. The homeowner should also note how much wattage the cord accommodates, its size and what it should be used for. Faulty extension cords can cause fires even when the appliances aren't in use. Properly dispose of the extension cord.
3. Shocks
If anyone gets even a mild shock from touching a switch plate or anything that has an electric current running through it, it's a sign that the wiring is faulty. An electrician needs to be called right away to inspect it and fix or replace the wiring. Also, outlets and switchplates need to be looked at by a professional if they're hot or look singed. You should not leave this up to chance or wait until fixing it will be more helpful.
4. A Smell of Burning Plastic
This is a sign that the wires are overheated. This can happen if too many devices are plugged into a power strip or an outlet. It may also be because the electrical wire isn't strong enough to provide the sort of power required by an appliance like a refrigerator, washing machine or lawn mower. If you smell burning plastic, turn off your appliances and call your electricians.
5. Power That Switches On and Off
Electrical power that comes and goes is a sign of loose wiring. This might be one problem that a person with some basic electrical skills can fix. If the problem is with a lamp, the cord, plug and socket should be checked. If they seem frayed, burnt or defective, they can be replaced. However, if the homeowner is still too nervous about repairing anything electrical, an electrician can be called in. Always turn off the power before attempting anything yourself, and call an electrician if you are at all unsure about what you are doing.
These six electric problems are common, and though a couple of them are easy fixes, it's still a good idea to find an electrician to deal with the rest.