Getting Extreme Leverage With Options
Negotiating Profits on Leased Property
When we write or talk about real estate “investments” it is usually with the idea of ownership of the property. When you own the investment property, the opportunities for profits and cash flow from it are thought of as rent paid by a tenant to the owner. The owner also has a potential profit that can come from the later gains when the property is sold.......
Extreme Leverage With Options
Leverage is the use of borrowed money to control something of value. Real estate investments for many years have afforded the investor some extreme leverage situations. Let’s examine leverage. If double-digit inflation returns, controlling the maximum amount of real estate may be extremely desirable......
Cooperation Between the Owner and Developer
The acquisition and improvement of land is a large-scale operation and requires large amounts of capital. This has created methods of land acquisition that gives the developer access to and control over a large enough tract to make development economical without requiring an initial outlay of all of the capital necessary to acquire such a tract.......
Commercial Real Estate Representation
There are a number of ways to buy, sell or exchange investment or commercial real estate. Having the knowledge of what you can do in some tax situations can be the difference between an annual profit or loss in a property that you intend to acquire or one that you already have in inventory......