How to Postpone Taxes (Legally)
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In this issue.
How to Combine a Build to Suit With A Tax Free Exchange
There is a great deal of control that can be exercised over the type of property to be received in a tax-free exchange. In one case, the taxpayer designed a brand-new building for himself to replace property to be given by him in exchange. In addition, the taxpayer provided financing for the new building’s construction....
How to Choose the Right Investment Property
No single property can fit all of the investment goals and rules an investor has set. Even if the investor tried to build a property to specifications, he would find some things “not quite right.” The investor is, therefore, wise to anticipate problems and have some basic strategies for dealing with them. Here are some suggestions to help the investor devise other approaches to meet special needs.....
How to Secure Land For Any Project
Land is always at the top of investments by real estate professionals. Before any building project can be planned, the land must be available. At all times, real estate assemblers are looking at and acquiring under-utilized sites within cities or in suburbs. Here are some ideas on how those professionals do it....
How to Postpone Taxes (Legally)
The Internal Revenue Code contains two provisions that permit the postponement of tax on the exchange of business or income real estate. Even though the term “tax-free exchange” is commonly used to describe such exchanges, tax merely is deferred on such exchanges until the chain of exchange cycle is broken by a sale.....