my credit crunch
Hello All,
I've been paying down credit card debt over the last 3 yrs, in 2010 I co-signed a loan with my brother-in-law and my Niece, At the same time I made my 1st bird dog fee and last. They wanted me to co-sign for a franchise business, since it was family I did it without doing any due diligence on the business (mistake #1), well in the spring of 2011 we couldn't get anymore funding we needed at least $80k. When that happened and the business failed to get off the ground when it came down to start paying which they promised(mistake to believe them # 2) they were no where to be found. I made a few mistakes during the beginning process which will take up most of this blog. I owed close to $50k, which since 2011 i got it down to about $15k(currently) I had stopped my real estate business for this period to pay this down(but kept educating myself). How did I do it? well around 2009 or 2010 I bought "secrets of the millionaire mind" in the book the author talks about setting up, in after tax dollars. Different bank accounts and deposit a percentage of your paycheck in them, and that is what I did I lived on 70% of my paycheck and used the rest to pay it down to my current bill. Right now i'm working with a partner to wholesale properties, Last year in 2013 I had two properties under contract, but both did not close. It was a learning experience. Right now we are still marketing for absentee owners. I Will keep you all informed.